Muscle stiffness is a common aftermath of motor vehicle accident (MVA), often resulting from impact-related tension or prolonged immobility during recovery. Gentle stretching exercises can alleviate stiffness, improve circulation, and promote flexibility, making them essential for post-accident rehabilitation through motor vehicle accident physiotherapy in Grande Prairie.
Stretches to Relieve Tension After a Vehicle Injury
Here are simple yet effective stretches that target key areas impacted by vehicle injuries, helping to reduce tension and discomfort through motor vehicle accident physiotherapy in Grande Prairie.
1. Scapular Squeeze Stretch
The scapular squeeze stretch targets the upper back and shoulders, areas often impacted by whiplash or tension after a vehicle injury. To perform this stretch, sit or stand with a straight back, letting the arms rest at the sides. Slowly squeeze the shoulder blades together, imagining holding a small object between them. Try to hold this position for 5–10 seconds before relaxing. Repeat the movement 8–10 times at a slow, steady pace. This stretch helps improve posture, relieve upper back tension, and enhance shoulder mobility, all essential for easing discomfort after an accident.
2. Thoracic Spine Rotation Stretch
The thoracic spine rotation stretch is ideal for releasing stiffness in the mid-back area, a common problem following sudden impacts during a vehicle accident. To perform this stretch, sit on a chair with feet flat on the ground and hands resting behind the head. Slowly twist the torso to one side while keeping the lower body stable. Hold for 10 seconds, then return to the starting position. Alternate sides and repeat 8–10 times per side. This stretch enhances flexibility, reduces mid-back tightness, and improves overall mobility, crucial for faster recovery and better posture.
3. Seated Piriformis Stretch
The seated piriformis stretch targets the lower back and hips, which can become tense due to prolonged sitting or the impact of a vehicle injury. To perform this stretch, sit on a chair with feet flat on the floor at a 90-degree knee. Place one ankle over the opposite knee. Gently press the top knee downward while slightly leaning forward. Hold the stretch for 15–20 seconds and feel the tension release in the hip and lower back. Repeat 2–3 times per side. This stretch helps ease hip tightness and alleviate lower back discomfort, promoting better mobility.
4. Neck Lateral Stretch
The neck lateral stretch is beneficial for addressing neck stiffness caused by whiplash or tension after an impact. To perform this stretch, sit or stand with a straight posture. Gently tilt the head toward one shoulder, bringing the ear closer to the shoulder. Hold the position for 15 seconds before slowly returning to the center. Alternate sides and repeat 3–5 times per side. This stretch reduces neck tension, improves range of motion, and aids in whiplash recovery by targeting tight neck muscles, helping restore normal function.
5. Hamstring Wall Stretch
The hamstring wall stretch helps reduce stiffness in the legs and lower back, areas often affected by both the impact of an accident and immobility during recovery. To perform this stretch, lie on the floor near a wall, positioning the body perpendicular to it. Place one leg against the wall while keeping the other bent or flat on the ground. Adjust the distance to feel a gentle stretch in the hamstring. Try to hold the position for 20–30 seconds, then switch legs. Repeat 2–3 times per leg. This stretch improves hamstring flexibility, supports lower back recovery, and enhances blood flow, aiding overall rehabilitation.
6. Cat-Cow Stretch
The cat-cow stretch is a simple exercise for improving spine flexibility and relieving tension in the back and neck. To perform this stretch, try to start on all fours with hands under the shoulders and knees under the hips. Inhale while dropping the belly toward the floor and lifting the head and tailbone (cow position). Exhale with the spine upward, tucking the chin toward the chest (cat position). Repeat for 10–15 rounds, focusing on smooth transitions between each movement. This stretch improves spinal mobility, reduces back stiffness, and relieves tension, supporting overall recovery.
7. Child’s Pose with Shoulder Reach
A variation of the traditional child’s pose, this stretch targets the lower back, hips, and shoulders, often affected by vehicle injuries. Begin by kneeling on the floor with the toes together and knees apart. Sit back onto the heels and extend the arms forward on the floor, reaching as far as comfortable. While in this position, reach one arm to the side, gently stretching the shoulder and upper back. Hold for 20–30 seconds, then switch arms. Repeat 2–3 times per side. This stretch helps release lower back, shoulders, and hip tension, promoting a more profound sense of relaxation and flexibility.
Recovery Through Gentle Movement
Incorporating these simple stretches into a daily routine can significantly reduce muscle stiffness and aid recovery from vehicle injuries through motor vehicle accident physiotherapy in Grande Prairie. Each stretch targets areas commonly affected by accidents, promoting relaxation, flexibility, and strength over time by car accident physiotherapy. Take the Next Step Toward Recovery; consult our Junction Point Physiotherapy in Grande Prairiefor personalized guidance and a structured rehabilitation plan. Professional care can enhance recovery outcomes and ensure a safe return to daily activities.