Pokemon has always been an important part of gaming’s history since its beginning, engaging lovers of various ages by means of a successful combination of concepts such as journeying and battling and monsters gathering. Pokemon games are divided into generations each of which comes with new regions, new Pokemon, new mechanics and narration of events.
It started with the Pokemon franchise in 1996, when two games Pokemon Red and Green were initially released in Japan, later Pokemon Blue was released as a better version of the Red version. These titles exposed players to the Kanto region and built the base for an idea that would later popularize the series around the world.
The second generation came along in 1999 with Pokemon Gold and Silver featuring the Johto region as well as 100 new additions to the pocket monsters family. These games bring real-time clock system and Pokemon breeding to TVs.
There was an improved version of this game; Pokemon Crystal that provided some improvements in the graphical interface and also was the first Pokémon game that offered a player to choose gender.
The third generation was initiated with the bringing of Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire in 2002 taking the players to Hoenn region and including new 135 Pokemons.
This generation brought counter, shop, andabilities, requirements for double battles and teachings on weather in battles. It also featured the introduction of contests as a part activity. Subsequent to it came an improved version in the form of Pokemon Emerald that incorporated Battle Frontier as extra part of the game.
In this generation, the Game Boy Advance relaunch of the original pair of games as Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen updated Kanto’s mechanics.
A new one occurred in 2006 when the fourth generation hit the market with Pokemon Diamond and Pearl featured the Sinnoh region and introducing 107 new Pokemon. This generation made trading and battling through Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection available, as the multiplayer interaction.
A new version, the Pokemon Platinum, included the Distortion World as well as new features to the storyline. There were sequels of Pokemon gold and silver version also namely Pokemon heart gold and Pokemon soul silver.
The fifth generation started with Pokémon Black and White in 2010, in the Unova region with the most freshly introduced Pokemon, 156! These games were centered around a better plot and a plot that was not for kids. Pokemon Black and White were succeeded by direct sequels, meaning another first for the franchise – Black 2 and White 2.
The sixth generation began in 2013 with Pokemon X and Y, in the Kalos region and featured 72 new characters. This generation stood for the shift to 3D graphics and implement the Mega Evolution, a mechanic that temporarily changes specific Pokemon during battles. There were remakes of Ruby and Sapphire named Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire year later, with improved graphic aspects and game mechanics.
The seventh generation first appeared in Pokémon Sun and Moon of 2016, which is one of the most famous and new Pokémon generation that was introduced in the Alola region with 81 newly added species.
This generation introduced new forms: specific regional forms that gave the Pokémon racers new appearances and typing systems of the region. There were two improved versions – Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon which extend the narrative and include extra options.
Pokémon’s eighth generation started in 2019 with Pokémon Sword, and Shield video games that takes place in the Galar region and brought 89 new pocket monsters. It was this generation that brought the Dynamax and Gigantamax mechanics to the game which causes Pokemon to grow to giant sizes during battles.
New towns and locations to explore and new story to go along with them were provided through expansion packs known as The Isle of Armor and The Crown Tundra. The generation also saw remakes of Diamond and Pearl, titled Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl, as well as a unique prequel, Pokémon Legends: Arceus, which was an article that looked at the Sinnoh region in a prehistoric context.
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