What Should I Expect During My First Hyperbaric Chamber Session?

People who get hyperbaric oxygen therapy, or HBOT, breathe in pure oxygen in a chamber under a lot of pressure. It’s like being in a room with higher air pressure than usual, and you’re living in oxygen through a mask or hood. This therapy helps your body heal faster by providing it with more oxygen. If you’re thinking about trying HBOT for the first time, you might be curious about what happens during the session. Let’s look at what you can expect during your first visit to a hyperbaric facility.

Hyperbaric oxygen chamber St. Paul, MN, offers a range of treatment options for individuals seeking hyperbaric oxygen therapy. Whether you’re a first-time visitor or familiar with the process, understanding what to expect during your session is essential.

Types Of Hyperbaric Chambers

Monoplace Chambers 

These chambers fit only one person at a time. They’re like tubes where someone lies down and gets oxygen therapy in pressurized air. Hospitals and clinics usually have these for individual treatments.

Multiplace Chambers

Unlike monoplace chambers, multiple chambers can fit more than one person at a time. They’re bigger and can have space for several patients to sit comfortably during their oxygen therapy sessions. Hospitals use these when multiple patients need treatment together.

Portable Chambers

These chambers are small and easy to move around. All of these exist for one person; you can bring them to homes or small medical centers. They’re handy for people who need oxygen therapy but can’t go to a hospital every time.

What Should I Expect During My First Hyperbaric Chamber Session?

Introduction to Hyperbaric Chamber

You’ll experience the hyperbaric chamber, a unique pressurized chamber that provides your body with high oxygen levels. The chamber is typically made of transparent materials so you can see outside and not feel claustrophobic.


Before you enter the chamber, we’ll give you instructions on what to wear and any safety precautions to follow. Put on clothes that feel good on you and take off anything that could get damaged by changes in pressure.

Entering the Chamber

When you’re ready, you’ll go into a special chamber. The chamber will close, and the pressure inside will slowly reach the right level. It might feel like your ears are popping, like when you’re on a plane.

Breathing Oxygen

While in the chamber, you’ll wear a mask or hood and breathe in pure oxygen. The oxygen is under higher pressure than usual, which helps it soak into your blood better. It can help your body heal and recover.

Session Duration

The time you spend in the chamber depends on your treatment plan and what the doctors are treating you for. Usually, it’s between 60 to 90 minutes. You can use this time to relax, read, or listen to music.

Exiting the Chamber 

Once the session is complete, the pressure inside the chamber will gradually return to normal. You’ll be able to exit the chamber safely, and you may feel a slight pressure change in your ears as the pressure equalizes.

Post-Session Instructions

After your session, you may receive instructions on any follow-up care or additional sessions needed. Carefully following these steps is vital to get the most out of hyperbaric oxygen therapy.

Who Should Use A Hyperbaric Chamber?

People with Wound Healing Issues

Hyperbaric chambers can help people with wounds that heal slowly, like diabetic ulcers or injuries from radiation. The extra oxygen in the chamber can make tissues repair faster.

Individuals with Decompression Sickness

When divers come up too fast from deep water, they might get “the bends.” It happens because nitrogen bubbles form in their blood. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy can help by making these bubbles smaller quickly and bringing blood flow back to normal.

Patients with Carbon Monoxide Poisoning 

Carbon monoxide poisoning can hurt tissues and stop oxygen from getting to the body. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy can quickly remove carbon monoxide from the blood, preventing more damage and helping the body heal.

People with Certain Infections 

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) is a treatment that can help with certain infections like gas gangrene or tough bone infections. It works by putting your body in a high-pressure environment with more oxygen. It helps stop bacteria from growing and boosts your immune system to fight off the infection.

How Does HBOT Differ From Traditional Oxygen Therapy?

Pressure Difference

During HBOT, you go into a special chamber and breathe pure oxygen. This chamber is pressurized, meaning it has more air pressure than usual. It helps your lungs take in more oxygen than regular oxygen therapy, where you breathe oxygen through a mask or tubes at normal air pressure.

Treatment Depth

The extra pressure in HBOT allows the oxygen to reach deeper into your body, even reaching tissues and organs that might not get enough oxygen otherwise. It can help these areas heal better. With regular oxygen therapy, the oxygen doesn’t go as deep into your body because it’s not under pressure.

Conditions Treated

HBOT is commonly used to treat things like decompression sickness, carbon monoxide poisoning, and wounds that won’t heal. These conditions need a lot of oxygen to help them heal properly. People often use regular oxygen therapy to help with issues such as difficulty breathing or low oxygen levels in their blood. Just adding some extra oxygen can help.

Are hyperbaric chamber sessions safe?

Yes, hyperbaric chamber sessions are generally safe when done correctly. They involve breathing oxygen in a pressurized environment, which can help with various medical conditions. However, there are some potential risks, such as ear or sinus discomfort, vision changes, and, rarely, oxygen toxicity. It’s essential to follow guidelines and be screened by a healthcare professional before using a hyperbaric chamber to ensure safety.

Bottom Line

Trying hyperbaric oxygen therapy for the first time can be a unique experience that offers potential benefits for various health conditions. Whether you’re dealing with wounds that won’t heal, the aftermath of diving too deep, or the effects of carbon monoxide poisoning, HBOT may provide relief and aid in your recovery journey. 

Remember, each session in the hyperbaric chamber is an opportunity to give your body the extra oxygen it needs to heal and rejuvenate. So, if you’re considering HBOT, take that first step, explore the possibilities, and discover how it could help you feel better and live a healthier life.