What Are the Advantages of Boarding Dogs at Kennel-Free Establishments?

Boarding facilities with kennel-free settings provide a more progressive and humane approach to dog care. With this approach, dog boarding facilities offer an environment that contributes to the overall well-being of your canine friend. Here are the benefits of kennel-free establishments for your dog.

Lowers Anxiety and Stress

Kennel-free establishments allow your dog to move freely and socialize with other canine friends. This may reduce the anxiety and stress associated with isolation in confined spaces and minimize separation anxiety. When your dog gets the chance to socialize and mingle with other dogs, it may bolster confidence and improve the ability to interact with fellow canines, which may lead to better behavior.

These social skills can also be helpful if you have younger dogs or puppies, as they allow them to grow into well-adjusted adults. Starting socialization at an early age can help temper their aggression.

Increases Interaction With Staff

In a kennel-free setting, trained staff have the opportunity to interact with dogs more closely. This dog boarding model can facilitate the development of strong bonds between staff and dogs. Staff develop a good understanding of dogs’ unique needs and personalities.

Your dogs may want to eat or relieve themselves at specific times. Staff members pick up on such cues and adopt unique routines for each dog. With this understanding, providing better care and even detecting health issues early is possible.

Encourages Physical Activity

Dogs engage in increased physical activity in kennel-free settings because there is ample space to run, roam, and play.  An active routine helps your dog benefit from a healthier lifestyle. It may also improve your dog’s cardiovascular health.  If you have an energetic breed, dog boarding in an open setting will be beneficial.

Minimizes Injury Risk

Kennel-free environments may pose a lower risk of injury compared to confined settings. When confined, dogs may try to escape due to stress, resulting in injuries or emotional distress. Some dogs become restless in tight spaces and could harm themselves in the process. The lack of movement may also negatively affect joints. In kennel-free settings, these risks are minimized.

Resembles a Homely Setting

With the vast space available in kennel-free settings, Dogs’ often see a home setting. In these facilities, you will likely find dog beds, daybeds, and sofas for naps or overnight stays. Your dog might also enjoy play areas, TV entertainment, or sandboxes to enrich the day.

These amenities can give your four-legged family member a sense of comfort, and promote mental stimulation. Kennel-free settings also provide different sensory stimulation elements which include sounds, smells, and sights that dogs find enriching. Your dogs are unlikely to get bored because they are constantly engaged.

Find Kennel-free Dog Boarding

Kennel-free boarding allows staff members to monitor your dog’s behavior closely because your canine friend behaves freely. It is possible to note any signs of aggression or behavioral issues. With this knowledge, you can learn more about your dog. It presents an opportunity to identify any training opportunities to improve your dog’s behavior. Enroll your dog in kennel-free establishments for optimal care.