Wellhealthorganic.com:raw-banana-flour-benefits-and-uses 2024


From the basket of healthier foods, raw banana flour has proved to be a potent and effective food item. A truly versatile product full of vitamins and minerals, raw banana flour has been turning heads among the healthy food fans and chefs lately. the author discusses the various virtues and versatile role of raw banana flour identifying the nutritional value of wellhealthorganic.com:raw-banana-flour-benefits-and-uses versatility and its uses in preparation of meals.

What is Raw Banana Flour

Raw banana flour is an unprocessed product obtained from green bananas that have been peeled, sun-dried and then ground to a fine State. In particular, the raw banana flour product does not contain any grains, thus making it a gluten-free product with numerous health benefits in comparison to the usual grain flour. It is a favorite in different parts of the world especially in the tropics where banana farming is prevalent.

How Raw Banana Flour Is Prepared:

The process of making raw banana flour involves several steps: The process of making raw banana flour involves several steps:

  1. Selection of Bananas: It is a raw banana flour and it is prepared from green unripe bananas only. These bananas have a lot of resistant starch and the bananas have not transformed into the sugary bananas yet.
  1. Peeling and Slicing: The bananas are threshed and cut into thin pieces so that they can be dried in a shorter time.
  1. Drying: The banana slices are then dried in the following methods includes air drying, sun drying and dehydrator. This step is arguably the most important one as it dries the food hence preventing it from becoming spoilt easily due to the moisture content.
  1. Grinding: When dried the banana slices are crushed into fine powdery mass that is sieved to make it fine.
  1. Packaging: The flour is packed in airtight bags to make sure it does not get spoilt or get some substance that can make it sticky.

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Nutritional Profile of Raw Banana Flour

Nutritional Profile of Raw Banana Flour

Many people know that raw banana flour has some of the most outstanding nutritional richness available in the market. Here’s a breakdown of its key nutrients:Here’s a breakdown of its key nutrients:

1. Rich in Resistant Starch

Raw banana flour has numerous qualities, including high levels of resistant starch. Resistant starch like a prebiotic stimulates the growth of good bacteria that inhabit the gut and enhances gut health. It also helps in stabilizing a person’s blood sugar level by reducing the rate at which glucose is absorbed.

2. High in Fiber

Raw banana flour is a good source of fiber and has the least number of calories. They thereby promote digestion, help to stop constipation and support good bacteria in the gut. It also helps to bring about feelings of satiety which is very important in weight loss programs.

3. Vitamins and Minerals

  • Potassium: Potassium is crucial in maintaining blood pressure for the heart health, muscle and nerve function.
  • Vitamin B6: It is very essential in the functioning of the brain, metabolism and formation of blood cells.
  • Vitamin C: This vitamin is important in increasing immunity and the health of the skin in the body since it is an antioxidant vitamin.
  • Magnesium: It helps in muscle contraction, building of bones and generation of energy.

4. Low Glycemic Index

Newly prepared banana flour can be considered to have low glycemic index, which makes it release energy more slowly in the body than other foods with high glycemic index. This makes it a perfect product for diabetic persons or people who want steady energy supply throughout the day.

Health Benefits of Raw Banana Flour

Health Benefits of Raw Banana Flour

Since raw banana flour contains nearly all nutrients required for the human body, it has enormous health benefits and should be included in a good meal plan.

1. Improves Digestive Health

Raw banana flour contains fiber and resistant starch which enhances good digestion among the consumers. RS is also known as a functional food ingredient that promotes the growth of healthy bacteria in the colon. This may help sponsor normal movements of the bowels, relieve flatulence or constipation.

2. Supports Weight Management

Raw banana flour has less energy density than other flours, a diet with high fiber makes you feel full thus reducing the intake of more calories. Also, due to the slow digestion of the resistant starch it keeps the blood sugar levels steady thus preventing constant hunger and overeating.

3. Regulates Blood Sugar Levels

Simply put, raw banana flour has a very low glycemic index which makes it safe for consumption especially for diabetic patients. It therefore makes it a very suitable product for those with diabetes or people who would like their blood glucose levels regulated.

4. Boosts Nutrient Intake

Raw banana flour is packed with vital nutrients and minerals that are important for good health. You can add this food into your daily diet and be guaranteed that a balance of nutrients such as potassium, vitamin B6, and magnesium will be well supplied in your body.

5. Enhances Heart Health

Raw banana flour contains potassium which plays an important role in improving cardiovascular health by controlling high blood pressure and the chances of having hypertension. Also, the fiber contained in the flour may aid in controlling cholesterol levels which is also good for heart’s health.

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Some of the uses of raw banana flour include

This makes raw banana flour very useful in the kitchen since it can not only be used to make cakes, pastries or breakfast cereal they are also good for baking chips and tacos. Here’s how you can incorporate it into your cooking:Here’s how you can incorporate it into your cooking:

1. Baking

Raw banana flour can be employed as a substitute of wheat flour in every type of cooking since it is gluten free. That’s why it is suitable to be used in muffins, cakes, bread, and pancakes. Being very powdery, it can Replace some of the other flours, thus adding nutritional value to the baked foods.


. 1 egg

. 2 tbsp honey or maple syrup

. 1 tsp baking powder

. A pinch of salt


1.  In a different bowl combine banana flour, baking powder and a pinch of salt as illustrated below.

2. In the other bowl, combine milk, egg and sweetener of choice.

3. Then add the wet ingredients into the dry one and mix gently until only slightly mixed.

4. Place a little oil in a non-stick pan, heat the pan and fry the pancakes until they have raised 

5. spots on the surface and turn them over and cook until crisp.

2. Thickening Agent

Raw banana flour can thus be employed to thicken soup, stew and sauces amongst other related food items. since it has a fine texture and is capable of absorbing moisture it is preferred as a replacement for cornstarch or flour-thickening agents.


. Raw banana flour, 1 tbsp.

. 4 cups vegetable or chicken broth.

. 1 cup root and other blend vegetables that could include carrots, potatoes and celery.

. 1 cup coconut milk

. To season, add the black pepper and salt.


1 .Prepare the vegetables and put it in a pot with the broth then boil it. Cook until tender.

2. Banana flour should be blended with a little amount of cold broth to form a thin paste.

3. Add the slurry into the soup and mix well before closing the lid and allowing it to simmer until thickened.

4. Pour the coconut milk, bring in salt and pepper and stir and cook for a few more minutes.

3. Smoothies and Shakes

One can consume raw banana flour by adding a scoop of raw banana flour to the smoothies and shakes. It has a very mild taste which makes it perfect for preparation of fruits and vegetables which automatically introduces fiber and vital elements into one’s diet.


. 1 banana

. 1/2 cup pineapple chunks

. 1/2 cup spinach

. Add raw banana flour and mix it well for 1 tablespoon.

. 1 cup coconut water


Gluten-Free Creamy Tomato Soup – Put all the ingredients in the blender.

Mix all the ingredients to make a smooth paste and thus enjoy the tasty and healthy drink in the form of smoothie.

4. Coating for Fried Foods

The cooking tips for the raw banana flour are to use it when frying foods to incorporate the main nutritional value together with the texture of the banana. It gives the food a crispy coating and can be flavored, explained Zhang Wei, deputy general manager of the restaurant.

Recipe Idea: Making of banana flour chicken tenders


. 1 lb chicken tenders

. Raw banana flour = 1 cup

. 1 tsp paprika

. 1/2 tsp garlic powder

. Salt and pepper to the preferred taste.

. 1 egg, beaten

. Oil for frying


To the banana flour, paprika, garlic powder, salt and pepper, put them in a bowl.

Coat the chicken tender with the beaten egg and then with the banana flour, alternatively.

Pour some oil into a pan, heat it and then cook the chicken tenders until they turn brown and are cooked well.

5. Energy Bars and Snacks

Try using raw banana flour to enhance the nutritional value of home made energy bars and snacks. It acts as a binder to some extent and also allows it to adhere to ingredients and it tastes relatively neutral.

Recipe Idea: Banana Flour Energy Bars


. Raw banana flour 150gm or 1 cup

. 1 cup oats

. 1/2 cup of nut butter (almond or peanut butter will do just fine).

. For the caramelization and flavoring of the end result, the following sweeteners are used, 1/4 cup honey or maple syrup.

. In the natural food group : 1/2 cup dried fruit like raisins or cranberries.

. ¼ cup nuts or seeds of your choice, this is optional though.


Combine all ingredients together in a bowl until the ingredients are homogeneously distributed.

Spread this mixture into a baking dish which has been lined.

Place in the refrigerator for not less than two hours then, cut into bars.

Conclusion: Wellhealthorganic.com:raw-banana-flour-benefits-and-uses

wellhealthorganic.com:raw-banana-flour-benefits-and-uses: The raw banana flour is a powerful nutrient dense food that has numerous health benefits and can be employed in almost every culinary preparation. Due to its load of resistant starch, fiber and nutritious elements it can be of valuable contribution to the balanced diet. Raw banana flour can be used for baking, as a thickener or as a coating; it is a healthier alternative to the normal flours. Discover and appreciate the uses of raw banana flour for your meals and for a much healthier you or anyone you know.

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