The Controversial Behaviour of CT Scan: Its Diagnostic Importance and Hazards

The Controversial Behaviour of CT Scan

A CT scan is a diagnostic imaging technique that contains in itself its benefits, diagnostic value, and its hazards. CT scan stands for Computed Tomography scan. It utilises X-rays and a computer to collect the series of X-rays in the form of scan images representing the internal structures, organs, bones, and surrounding tissues of the body. The CT machine aims radiation at your body at different angles and collects them to represent them in a detailed 3D structure, these images are generated as cross-sectional images that are also known as slices. Slices are floored up to represent a 3D image for easy evaluation and diagnosis of various problems and disorders.

The CT scan machine contains a large donut-shaped structure known as the gantry. This gantry contains a rotating X-ray source that rotates inside the gantry to bombard radiation on you for image production. The CT scan machine has a scan bed, you need to lie on the scan bed that slides into the scanner/gantry while the X-ray source present inside the gantry rotates around you shooting numerous narrow beams of X-ray through your body. There are radiation detectors in the CT scanner that are directly opposite to the X-ray source that collects the radiation coming through your body. With each rotation, one 2D slice is generated, and the slice can have varying thickness depending upon the type of machine used, 128-slice CT Scanners used,  at Ganesh Diagnostics are the best scanners than 16-slice and 64-slice scanners as these cover larger volumes in less time. 

The CT scan images can very well appreciate any lesions, injury or disease occurring in various organs of the body. CT scanner as a screening tool is of importance in the diagnosis of cancers, and possible tumours. It is often used as the diagnostic modality of choice in case of any emergency due to its fast and precise behaviour. It helps in the evaluation of organs in case of injury, clots leading to stroke, haemorrhage, or other chronic conditions including cancer.

CT scan is named differently when used for different organs and purposes

  • CT Abdomen
  • CT Angiography
  • CT Scan Arthrography
  • CT scan bones
  • CT scan Brain/ CT Head
  • CT Scan Chest/Chest CT/Lung CT 
  • CT sca Neck 
  • CT Scan Pelvis
  • CT Scan Renal Stones
  • CT Scan Sinus
  • CT Scan Spine
  • Cardiac CT 
  • CT Scan Kidneys

In certain cases when enhanced images are required to make the diagnosis and further evaluation of already diagnosed lesions and diseases, the Contrast agent is used. The contrast agent is often injected into your  body via arm or hand, the contrast is taken up by the cells of your body, which makes the displaying and identification of abnormalities in even enhanced manner, 

Talking about the risks that the CT scan poses, concerning the benefits it gives in the primary and definitive diagnosis, is never overweight. The minimal risks that the scan inevitably contains are minimised further by conducting the scan under safety guidelines. Any radiation-based scan is guided to follow the ALARA principle which stands for “As Low As Reasonably Achievable”, the ALARA principle has 3 parameters: time, distance, and shielding. The best diagnostic centre for CT scans follows all the protocols and precautions to minimise the radiation hazards.  Radiations can cause alterations in the genetic makeup that might lead to the development of cancer, although the chances of getting cancer from a single scan are way too less, which can be further minimised by proper conduction of the CT. if a contrast agent is used, it can cause allergic reactions in some people, although the use of non-iodine-based contrast agents minimises the risks further. Allergic reactions represent itching, redness, and swelling initially which may worsen to headache, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, or to a life-threatening extent it can cause anaphylactic shock. This is why you should immediately contact your doctor or healthcare giver as soon as you encounter the first signs of allergy.