The Best B2B Ecommerce Platform: How to Choose the Right Solution for Manufacturers And Wholesalers

The B2B Ecommerce industry is a booming sector with huge profits in every online business. It is developing at a speedy rate with notable changes each day.

It is estimated that the US Ecommerce industry will make a profit of approximately $3 trillion within some years. Customers feel it is easy to purchase products from online stores because of various reasons like easy return policy, low prices, discounts, extensive variety of products and good customer service.

This article gives a deep insight of the B2B Ecommerce platform and the factors to determine while choosing the right solution for wholesalers and manufacturers.

Importance of B2B Ecommerce Platform

A large part of businesses are now offering the option to order items online to their customers.With the invention of digital marketing strategies, the customers are more inclined to online shopping methods. This section explains the importance of b2b ecommerce platform in detail:

  • Increases sales of the business- B2B marketplaces have changed the traditional way in which the customers used to buy things in the past. Online stores offer a variety of products and display all the relevant information with prices, discounts and so on. Customers feel it is more convenient to shop online than visiting the store outlet and making purchases. Online shopping helps in boosting the sales of the business and generates higher business revenue than before.
  • Offers Scalability in the business– One of the major benefits of B2B Ecommerce marketplace is its scalability. This platform allows retailers to add as many products as they want to expand their business. B2B platforms will help to handle multiple channels by installing a single user interface.
  • Speeds up delivery process- A right B2B Ecommerce platform will improve speed of delivery in the transaction. You do not have to track every order manually as the online system will record every order and show the updates related to inventory and sales.
  • Boosts brand awareness- Promotion of your business products becomes easy by using a robust B2B Ecommerce platform. It reduces the hassles of consulting marketing campaigns and spending money on costly advertising techniques of the products. You can utilize the resources fully to promote your brand and build a long-term relationship with clients.

Statistical Data of B2B Ecommerce Trends  

A recent survey of 2024 shows that the ecommerce b2b sector is blooming at a rapid rate. Most large and small channels prefer choosing B2B Ecommerce platforms to promote their products and services worldwide. Let us have a glance at some stats related to B2B Ecommerce platform in thai section:

Size of the Market

With the growth in the digital marketing field, the market size of global B2B Ecommerce might reach $21 trillion at the end of 2024. Companies related to ecommerce development and B2B sales will gain ample opportunities to grow in the coming years.

Boost in Rate of Buyers

The latest Ecommerce trends have led to an increase in the rate of buyers all around the globe. A large percentage of buyers prefer buying things from digital channels. They can decide quickly how to buy products with the help of Ecommerce solutions.

Use of Mobile Ecommerce in B2b Ecommerce

The survey of 2020 says that around 87% purchases related to B2B were done from mobile apps. So, it is necessary for businesses to optimize B2B ecommerce apps for buyers.

Personalized Experience

A study says that around 70% of B2B buyers want a personalized experience in the mobile apps. Buyers feel more convenient to shop online with a personalized experience like recommendations for the product, ratings and tailored prices.

Things to Look for while Choosing the B2B Ecommerce Platform

Choosing a good B2B Ecommerce platform is necessary for improving business sales. You must consider the following things while choosing B2B Ecommerce platform:

  • Customized options- The first thing to look at is whether a platform is easily customizable or not. Handling B2B Ecommerce queries and processing various orders need a highly customizable platform. Choose the platform that features various customizable options that help business to scale as per the needs.
  • Compatibility with ERP- Running a B2B store needs many customization options. You must look whether a particular B2B Ecommerce platform can be integrated with ERP for doing various tasks like inventory checking, accounting and reporting. Integration of ERP and B2B Ecommerce platform allows businesses to achieve the targeted goals and gives better user experience.
  • Scalability- Most businesses work on scalable platforms. Scalability is important to expand business on different scales. It helps to widen the customer base and add more product lines in the business. Apart from that, the feature of scalability also helps businesses evolve globally and expand their operations. Flexibility helps the various businesses to meet their operational needs.
  • Security options- Security of business data is necessary in running any online store. Choosing a B2B Ecommerce platform with security features such as encryption protocols and two-factor authentication will protect business data and important details.


 Choosing a good B2B Ecommerce platform is necessary to boost your business growth and expansion. You can hire an ecommerce website development company for your new businesses is a smart decision. These companies have a skilled team of professionals that helps the small and large scale businesses in choosing the right B2B Ecommerce platform. You can ask for quotes and choose the best company that suits your business size and requirements.