Mahashivratri: Let us know the importance and reason for celebrating it


Mahashivratri is important night time for those who worship Lord Shiva. It’s a time after they have a good time and reflect on special things. Sadhguru tells us why this night is so unique and how we can use this time to feel higher and grow spiritually.

In Indian way of life, there used to be 365 festivals, which means people used to have a purpose to celebrate almost every day of the year. Each festival was special and celebrated different things, such as important history, victories, or important events in farming, such as planting and harvesting. But Mahashivratri is a very unique festival this is different from the others.

What is Mahashivratri and why Celebrated

Mahashivratri, this means that “The Great Night of Shiva,” is an important celebration in India wherein people honor and do not forget the god Shiva.

Shivaratri is a unique day that takes place on the 14 days of the lunar month, or the day earlier than a new moon. There are twelve Shivaratris every year, but the maximum crucial one is referred to as Mahashivratri, which falls in February or March.

On this night, the earth is in a special position which transmits energy to the people. This is a good time for people to connect with their spiritual side. To celebrate this power, there is a festival that lasts all night. An important part of the festival is to stay alert and hold your back straight during the night.

Significance of Mahashivratri

Mahashivratri is a completely vital day for folks who want to grow spiritually, for households, and for the ones who’ve big dreams. Families have a good time Mahashivratri like a anniversary for Shiva’s wedding ceremony. People with big goals think of this day as when Shiva won against all his enemies.

For the ascetics, Mahashivratri is a special day because it marks the moment when Shiva became just like a mountain—very calm and still. In yoga, Shiva isn’t always only a god; he’s seen as the first teacher, or Guru, who started out the practice of yoga. After a protracted, long term of meditating, he finally have become completely nevertheless at some point. That day is called Mahashivratri, and to the ascetics, it’s known as the night of stillness.

A Night of Awakening Mahashivratri

Mahashivratri is a special time when we can discover the big, empty space inside all of us, which is where everything starts. Shiva is known as the destroyer, but he is also very kind and gives a lot to others. There are many amazing stories about how caring Shiva is. On this special night, we can also receive blessings and feel connected to that big emptiness we call Shiva. So, let’s make this night not just about staying awake, but about waking up to something wonderful.

Spiritual importance of Mahashivratri

This day and night are really special in yoga because they offer a lot of chances for people who want to grow spiritually. Scientists today have learned a lot and try to reveal us that everything us—like timber, animals, and even the stars inside the sky—are all made up of the same kind of energy that appears in all kinds of various forms.

A “yogi” is someone who understands that everything within the global is hooked up. When I communicate about “yoga,” I do not mean just a specific exercise or routine. It’s about wanting to learn and feel how everything is part of one big thing. The night of Mahashivratri is a special time that can help people feel this connection.

Mahashivratri the darkest night of the month

Mahashivratri is a unique day that occurs while the moon is at its darkest. Some peoples have a good time Shivaratri each month, and there is a huge celebration known as Mahashivratri. It might seem strange to celebrate darkness, since most people like light.

The name “Shiva” means “that which is not.” When we consider everything around us, we can see many stuff that exist, like plant life, animals, and those. But if we think about big matters, we would note that there’s additionally a whole lot of empty space. This emptiness is big part of what makes up everything.


Mahashivratri is a really important festival where people get to ask for blessings from Lord Shiva. It helps them feel better inside and helps them grow spiritually. This special day happens when the moon is very dark, and some people celebrate it every month. This big celebration is called Mahashivratri.


Q.1. What purpose for celebrate Mahashivratri?

Ans.1. This day celebrate the wedding of Lord Shiva and Goddess Maa Parvati. Their marriage shows how important it is for the strong and gentle parts of the world to work together.

Q.2. What is Advantage of Mahashivratri?

Ans.2. Fasting on Mahashivratri can help your body feel clean and light. It also helps your mind relax, makes you feel less fidgety, clears your thoughts, and helps you pay attention better.

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