Is There Still A Nursing Shortage in the US?

The United States has been experiencing a nursing shortage over the last few years and this has  prompted the American Association of  Critical Care Nurses (AACN)  to try and address the problem . It has called for federal legislation and more funding for nursing education and is working with nursing organizations medical recruiter companies policy makers and schools to highlight the shortage . It’s also using its resources to change legislation and determine long term strategies .

But what is causing this nursing shortage and are there any signs of things improving ?

Why is there a nursing shortage?

The covid 19 pandemic saw nurses even more stretched than before . Not only were nurses stretched thin but they worked in environments that grappled with trying to provide adequate PPE and other vital equipment . Many nurses also tested positive themselves during this already stressful time . According to the Centers for Disease Control  people working in nursing related roles experienced the highest incidence of covid hospitalizations than any other health profession . Whilst the worst days of the pandemic are far behind us now the long term repercussions on medical organizations seem to have continued .

Another major factor in the US nursing shortage is the aging population, With the baby boomer generation now at the retirement age there are more people in America over the age of 65 than ever before . the demand for nursing services has increased with more people suffering from age related illness such as rheumatoid arthritis Alzheimer’s and more .

But it is not just the patients getting older – inevitably, an aging population also means an aging workforce . Subsequently nursing professionals are also getting older with many approaching retirement . Unfortunately, this has an impact on the number of nursing faculty staff meaning fewer resources to train new nurses and limitations placed on nursing school enrolments .

How much of a shortage is there?

According to several sources including the US Bureau of Labor Statistics many states are struggling with a nursing shortage whilst some are even experiencing a surplus . California has the worst shortage of any state with the number of registered nurses estimated to be lacking in 44500 individuals . South Carolina, Texas and New Jersey have a deficit of over 10000, whilst South Dakota and Georgia are short by several thousand .

But could the US be coming out of its nursing shortage? The Bureau predicts a 6% job growth for nurses nationwide and there are some states currently with too many. It’s estimated that Florida has almost 54,000 more nurses than it needs; whilst Ohio has more than 49,000. Missouri, New York, and Virginia are thought to have more than 15,000 spare.

The data can be confusing. Whilst the country as a whole is short in nurses, many regions are experiencing a surplus. Also, some of these areas with extra nurses are at risk of having a lower growth potential in the future. This appears to be the case in the Midwest and Northwest regions, whilst the Mountain and West regions have a higher growth potential.


The US has been experiencing a nursing shortage due to various reasons; however, some states have too many nurses. The data does suggest a significant job growth for nurses across the country. Whether or not this predicted growth will come to be remains to be seen.