How Many Types Of Keywords Are There In SEO?

You’ve probably heard that keywords are essential for SEO. But what are they, exactly? And how many types of keywords are there in SEO? To put it simply, there are six major types of keywords that you need to be aware of.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll break down everything you need to know about keywords and SEO. We’ll start with the basics, then move on to more advanced concepts. By the end of this guide, you’ll understand how keywords work and how to use them effectively in your SEO strategy. Also, you’ll get to know the different types of keywords in SEO.

What Is Keyword Research?

Keyword research is the process of finding and targeting the right keywords for your SEO strategy. Why is it so important? Because the right keywords can help you attract more traffic to your website, boost your rankings on search engines, and increase your sales and conversions.

There are three elementary types that you every blogger or SEO writer needs to be aware of: head, body, and long-tail keywords. Head keywords are general keywords that are high in competition and difficult to rank for. Body keywords are more specific and targeted, and long-tail keywords are even more specific and targeted than body keywords.

So, how do you know which type of keyword is right for you? That’s where keyword research comes in. You need to find the right balance between head, body, and long-tail keywords to achieve the best results for your business.

Structuring Your Content with Keywords

There are two main types of keywords that you need to know about: primary and secondary. Your primary keyword is the one that you want to rank for, while your secondary keywords are those that you want to be found for.

When it comes to primary keywords, there are two main ways to go about using them: you can either target a single keyword or a group of related keywords. If you’re targeting a single keyword, then you’ll want to make sure that it’s included in the title, the header and the body of your content.

If you’re targeting a group of related keywords, then you’ll want to use them as long-tail keywords. Long-tail keywords are phrases that are three or more words long, and they’re a great way to target specific users who are already looking for what you have to offer.

How to Find the Right Keywords for Your Content

Now that you know the different types of keywords, it’s time to find the right ones for your content. There are a few ways to do this:

  • Use keyword research tools
  • Brainstorm keywords related to your topic
  • See what your competitors are targeting
  • Use Google Autocomplete

Let’s take a closer look at each of these methods:

  • Keyword research tools such as Google AdWords Keyword Planner and Moz’s Keyword Explorer are a great way to find keywords related to your topic. These tools will give you data on how popular a keyword is, how difficult it is to rank for, and other useful information.
  • Brainstorm keywords related to your topic and write them down. This can be done with a simple brainstorming session or by using a tool like Ubersuggest, which will give you lots of ideas for keywords related to your topic.
  • See what your competitors are targeting by looking at their website or using a tool like Ahrefs. This will give you an idea of what terms they’re targeting and how successful they’ve been in ranking for those terms.
  • Use Google Autocomplete to get ideas for keywords related to your topic. This is a great way to find long-tail keywords that people are actually searching for.

Using Tools to Boost Your SEO Efforts

SEO text wallpaper

If you are looking for ways to make your SEO efforts even more successful, you should definitely look into the various tools available. These tools, such as keyword research tools and link analysis tools, help you to better understand which keywords are going to be the most effective for your SEO strategy.

Keyword research tools can help you find the best keywords for your content. For example, if you’re writing a blog post about “coffee beans”, a keyword research tool can help you identify other related terms like “coffee maker” and “espresso machine” that might be used in searches. Link analysis tools can also help you identify websites and influencers related to your topic that could potentially help boost your rankings in search engine results pages (SERPs).

Another great tool is an analytics program. A good analytics platform will allow you to track how well your SEO efforts are performing. This is especially helpful if you are using targeted keywords and want to measure their level of success. Having this data can help inform future decisions about optimizing content and creating better strategies for success in SERPs.

Combining Different Types of Keywords for Maximum Effect

Now that you know the different types of keywords, it’s time to learn how to put them together. Combining different types of keywords can be an effective way to get your SEO content noticed and rank higher in search results.

Start by combining long-tail and short-tail keywords. This type of combination helps make your content more comprehensive, as well as more targeted. For example, if you’re writing about SEO, you could combine “SEO keyword research” (long-tail keyword) with “SEO” (short-tail keyword).

Next, consider combining local and national keywords to target a wider audience. For example, if you’re a local business in New York City, you can combine your location keyword (e.g., “New York City SEO”) with the broader keyword term (e.g., “SEO services”). This will help attract customers from both local areas and distant cities and countries.

Finally, try to use two or three related modifiers in a single phrase and watch your rankings climb! Remember – combining different types of keywords gives your content more reach and can help boost it up the search engine rankings!

Common Mistakes When Choosing Keywords

When it comes to choosing the right keywords for your SEO strategy, there are some common mistakes that you should be aware of. First, be sure not to make the mistake of overdoing it with the exact match keywords. While these types of keywords can be great for SEO, they can also result in keyword cannibalization and place too much emphasis on a single word or phrase.

Another mistake to avoid is using too many long-tail keywords. Long-tail keywords are important for SEO, but if you use too many, it may dilute your content’s focus and not provide enough value to searchers. Finally, don’t choose general or generic words that don’t relate to your content. This will only hurt your SEO efforts as searchers won’t be able to find the content that they’re looking for.

Competitor Analysis for SEO

The final important keyword type to consider is competitor analysis. This type of analysis involves looking at what keywords your competitors are ranking for and why. Doing a competitor analysis can help you understand what keywords you need to be targeting, and how your competitors have structured their SEO efforts.

To get started with competitor analysis, start by creating a list of all the websites that are competing with yours in the search engine results pages (SERPs). Then, do an audit on each competitor’s website to see what keywords they’re using in their SEO strategies and how they’ve structured their content. This will give you a better understanding of what techniques your competitors are using to rank for certain keywords.

Finally, use tools like Google Trends or Ahrefs to determine which keywords have been gaining or losing traction over time. Doing this can help you identify potentially lucrative opportunities or gaps in the market that you can take advantage of.

Different Types of Keywords On SEO

Keywords are a key component of search engine optimization. In this section, we are going to talk about the major types of SEO keywords. 

Qualified Keywords

Qualified Keywords are the ones you have to be careful about. They’re keywords that have to be used in a particular way, and they must appear in the title tag, meta description and body of the page.

You can’t use them in the first 100 words of an article because Google thinks those might not be very relevant to what you’re writing about (I mean, why would anyone search for “SEO tips”?). And if you do use them as part of a title tag or meta description then make sure you only use them once per page!

Qualified Keywords are good because they help define what kind of content is being written about on your site so that search engines know exactly what they’re looking at when someone searches for those terms.

Phrase Match Keywords

Phrases are typically 2-3 words long, which means you can use them to target specific questions. For example, if you’re looking for a keyword that describes the ideal reader of your content (e.g., “How do I write an article?”), then phrase match keywords are great for this purpose because they narrow down the search results to only those with similar questions in mind.

Here are some examples:

  • How do I write an article? – This question is appropriate for targeting both beginner and advanced writers alike. However, it’s not so broad as to be useless for beginners on either end of their level spectrum. By using phrases instead of single words as our search term, we create more specialized queries that will bring us back results more quickly. And we know exactly what kind of information we want when we see it!

Substantive Match Keywords

Substantive match keywords are the most common type of keyword. They must appear in the title and body of your page, and they must be relevant to that content. You’ll also want to use them in a natural way: for example, rather than just saying “buy” on its own, you should replace it with something like “buy red shoes” or “buy blue shirt” so that people know what they’re supposed to do when they come across this information online (i.e., buy something).

BroadMatch keywords

BroadMatch keywords are phrases that include any word in the phrase. For example, if you’re thinking of advertising a new car insurance policy, these keywords would include “car insurance” and “car insurance quotes”. They are great for branding and awareness because they allow you to target a wide audience by allowing searchers to find your website through searches containing words related to what you’re offering.

Wildcard keyword 

The wildcard is the keyword with an asterisk (*), indicating that it should be treated as a single word, regardless of how many syllables it contains. For example, if you want to rank for “red car”, your campaign would not only include “red*car” but also any variations such as “redcar”, “real red cars” and so on.

Short tail keywords: These are long-tail keywords that have few or no searches performed per month compared to Google’s core index (i.e., terms like rocket ships or space exploration). Many businesses use short tails because they allow them to target highly relevant customers based on their specific needs rather than just trying out broad match keywords like “buy xyz”.

Long tail keywords: These are usually more specific than short tail ones (they’re longer) but still aren’t as specific as exact match ones which mean that every time someone types in one letter into their browser window we’re doing exactly what our client wants us do–find their perfect product!

Synonyms keywords

Synonyms are also useful in SEO. Another great way to expand your keyword list, and they can help you find more opportunities for keywords that may not be related to the one you’re currently targeting.

Here’s an example: if you want to rank for “water conservation,” but there are already two other keywords (“hydrologic engineering” and “hydrology engineering”) related to that same topic, then using synonyms would help make sure those other two don’t cannibalize each other while still allowing them all to rank well together on Google Search results pages.


You can enhance your SEO strategy by incorporating synonyms, which can provide additional context about your website. However, it’s essential to use them correctly and avoid overuse to prevent negative impacts on your search engine rankings. If you’re looking to boost your social media presence on platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and Facebook, consider using SocialGreg for followers, likes, and subscribers. Now, you should have a better understanding of keyword types in SEO. Thanks for reading!