The teenage years are complicated and unpredictable due to hormonal surges in teens. At one instance, most teens feel happy and confident enough to rule the world; the next minute, some feel demotivated and stressed due to their unmet expectations.
Oftentimes, these hormonal shifts can affect their physical and emotional health. Moreover, unchecked emotional turmoil can manifest in teens as depression. But what exactly classifies as depression? Let’s have a look at the article below and find out.
What is Depression?
Do you often find it difficult to carry out even the most basic tasks ? Are you unable to concentrate for even a short while ? Do you feel empty or sad most times? If so, these might be symptoms hinting toward depression.
Depression is a mental health concern that affects countless people worldwide . Age, gender and race are irrelevant to clinical depression as it can affect teenagers, adults and senior citizens alike .
A depressed person reacts to social cues differently. Teenagers and children tend to lash out more, while adults become antisocial and anxious. On the other hand, older adults often develop other mental health disorders, such as phobias and eating disorders, triggered by untreated depression.
How Does Depression Manifest In Teens?
It is important to point out that not every emotional low is depression. Teenagers, in particular, can become moody owing to physical, hormonal, and social changes.
Moreover, it’s important to note that depression is not seasonal. It does not go away with time. There is a certain criterion to diagnose depression. With the right research and resources, we may recognize our symptoms beforehand and seek help accordingly. Moreover, various online resources like a depression quiz can give you an idea about whether your mood swing is a potential depression prognosis.
Teenagers experience certain behavioral, social and emotional changes . If you think your teenager might be struggling with depression look out for the following symptoms :
Antisocial Behavior
Have you ever witnessed a socially active child go through an extended isolation period as they enter their teenage years? This is one of the classic signs of depression.
Depression can drain every last bit of our energy, so socializing may seem like a lot of effort. Teenagers, who are normally buzzing with energy, are more affected by this rapid drain in energy. When they tend to isolate themselves, they can easily fall into an antisocial pit that is extremely tough to get out of without professional help.
Irregular Sleep Pattern
Individuals with insomnia find it hard to fall asleep regardless of how tired they are . When this happens, our body tends to take its due rest in other ways. Irregular sleep patterns can lead to fatigue and irritability the following day. This can hint toward depression, where the body feels too tired to work or get other things done.
Change in Appetite
Emotional eating is often associated with depression. It is often triggered in teenagers who are body-shamed during puberty. They try coping with the bullying through overeating, which can lead to the development of eating disorders.
A change in appetite can trigger various physical and mental health issues especially during adolescence . During the puberty years teenagers need nutritious food to grow strong and develop physically and mentally but drastic changes in eating habits can affect this process . If your teenager is struggling with their eating habits consult a professional .
Impulsivity and Risky Behaviors
Depressed teenagers often act impulsively and exhibit risky behaviors. This can make them more likely to indulge in drug or alcohol abuse. Moreover, such individuals are also likely to have suicidal thoughts and are inclined toward self-harming activities.
Persistent Sadness
Persistent sadness distinguishes depression from a regular mood swing. Sadness is normal. While minor inconveniences may make us feel sad, it gets concerning when this prolonged sadness doesn’t go away on its own. Moreover, affected individuals might feel empty or struggle with low self-esteem, preventing them from getting things done.
Feelings of Rejection
Teenagers who are depressed might attribute every setback to failure. This heightened sensitivity to rejection gives rise to the feeling of ‘not being good enough’. These teens tend to stay isolated and avoid participating in social and extracurricular events, which proves to be a major hurdle in their development.
Brain fog
Often, we struggle to think clearly and this brain fog prevents us from concentrating. It can either be due to lack of sleep or constant fatigue. However, it becomes concerning when it goes on for an extended period of time.
Teenagers can randomly go through periods of reduced concentration and productivity. When they are depressed, these periods are prolonged. This can affect their academic life, setting them back from their peers.
Negative Thoughts
Negativity fuels depression, feeding and nurturing it until it consumes a person.
Depressed teenagers view every challenge as an impossible task. They might feel that every minor inconvenience makes them a failure. However, professional counseling can help depressed teens be more hopeful in life and understand that ups and downs are a part of life that need to be lived.
History of Emotional Trauma
Teenagers who come from dysfunctional families and those who have lived traumatic childhoods are more prone to depression. Their past experiences can sometimes trigger their PTSD and depressive episodes in individuals. They might feel sad or low, and even avoid meeting people as it can trigger their depression.
Final Thoughts
Mental health issues are still stigmatized even though countless awareness campaigns have been run to tackle this issue.
Too often, we find teenagers making light of their depressive episodes, thinking them to be mood swings. This happens as they fear stigmatization that follows their depression diagnosis.
Diagnosing depression in teenagers is often difficult as they’re undergoing certain behavioral physical and emotional changes during their adolescence . However, it is important to catch the problem before these symptoms get out of control . Educate yourself about everything that triggers depression and do not forget to seek professional help to battle your depression .