Avoid These Costly Mistakes If You Have Diabetes or Prediabetes!

Avoid These Costly Mistakes If You Have Diabetes or Prediabetes!

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), approximately 77 million adults have diabetes (type 2), and nearly 25 million are prediabetics (at a higher risk of developing diabetes soon). These numbers are only increasing over time as there is very little information available on managing diabetes in India and all across the world.

Managing diabetes or prediabetes is not a difficult task in 2025, but misinformation makes it challenging. Due to the misinformation spread among the masses, people make mistakes that only worsen their health condition and can lead to other chronic problems, such as heart disease, kidney failure, eye damage, foot problems, etc.

If you are diabetic or prediabetic, or someone around you has the same problem, read this blog till the end to learn about the most common mistakes that diabetic or prediabetic people make that worsen their health. Once you know about the most common mistakes, you can avoid them and live a healthier, longer life.

Mistake 1 – Not Eating Their Favourite Fruits

People stop eating the fruits they loved once after discovering they have diabetes or are on the verge of becoming diabetic, which is not the right thing to do, says Lavleen Kaur, the best dietitian in Chandigarh. You should never stop eating your favourite fruits because your blood sugar is higher than normal.

People become so afraid after knowing they have diabetes that they think if stopping sweets is advised, they must also stop eating fruits. But that’s not the right approach to dealing with diabetes or prediabetes. Instead of abruptly stopping your fruit intake, you should consider consuming them in a controlled way and at the right time.

The best time to eat high-glycemic-index fruits like mangoes, grapes, sapodillas (Chikoos), and bananas is in the morning, before breakfast with protein. For protein, consider eating nuts and seeds with fruits. Doing so will help balance the fructose sweetness that might raise sugar levels. Additionally, pay attention to portion size based on your sugar levels.

Individuals with HbA1c around 9-10 cannot eat a whole mango; they can enjoy one slice only. However, if your HbA1c is around 5-6, you can eat two mango slices with nuts and seeds. This way, you can enjoy your favourite fruits and get adequate protein.

Mistake 2 – Not Doing Any Activity After Meals

Most people sit after meals, and some even sleep right after dinner. And it’s not the right thing to do whether you have diabetes or prediabetes. You should not sit or rest continuously after eating. If you do so, your sugar levels will rise further. Instead, sit in Vajrasana for at least five minutes, and then 10 minutes of movement is necessary.

It will help move the glucose from your blood to your cells, resulting in a managed sugar level. In short, 10 minutes of movement and giving enough time for digestion to start will help you keep your sugar levels balanced. So, why not follow this routine religiously? It’s for your health, after all!

Mistake 3 – Consuming Rice and Roti Together

Some people have this habit of eating roti and rice together, which is the worst combination for those with diabetes or prediabetes. If you are eating high carbs like rice and roti together, it can increase your sugar levels. However, people with prediabetes eating roti and rice in small amounts do not have to worry about their blood sugar spike as it will be negligible.

Individuals with diabetes or those who want to balance carbohydrates must not have rice and roti together. Additionally, they should avoid gluten wheat roti, which has a very high sugar content. Instead, consider eating millets like jowar, ragi, etc. While eating millet, remember to eat only one type of flour at a time to ensure a carbohydrate balance.

Mistake 4 – Having Dinner After Sunset

In almost every online nutrition course, dietitians advise following the circadian rhythm, which means not having later dinners, but people don’t listen. It is recommended to have dinner before sunset because the liver has a time limit within which it can work efficiently, and that time limit is until sunset.

If you eat your dinner late, your body will spend the entire night managing sugar and won’t be able to improve digestion and immunity. And when you check your fasting sugar in the morning, it will be higher. So, have your dinner according to the circadian rhythm and give your liver enough time to relax. The more your liver relaxes, the better your morning sugar will be.

Mistake 5 – Worrying About Body Weight

You must have seen people worrying or complaining about their body weight when working on their insulin resistance. If a diabetes or prediabetes patient keeps thinking about their weight, their cortisol levels may increase, which may affect their stress levels, leading to higher glucose.

When you are thinning or overthinking about something, you use your energy, which releases glucose. When that glucose cannot reach your cells and remains in your bloodstream, it causes insulin resistance. The more you overthink, the more unnecessary glucose is produced, causing your blood sugar levels to rise.

So, stop thinking about your weight right now and try not to overthink by diverting your mind to something else that relaxes your mind.

On the Final Note

The cases of diabetes and prediabetes are on the rise. People have no idea how they can manage their diabetes and prevent this problem (those who have prediabetes). Due to a lack of knowledge, they take some steps in the hope of getting better, but this worsens their health further. Blood sugar management requires proper guidance, a balanced diet, regular exercise, and no stress.

All the mistakes that diabetic and prediabetic people make and how you can avoid them are mentioned above in this blog. For more information on managing diabetes or prediabetes with Ayurveda and lifestyle changes, contact Santushti Holistic Health & Healing, where professionals will help you determine the areas of your life where you need to improve to live a healthier, longer life.