10 Tips For The Perfect First Date

The article is developed in partnership with BetterHelp.

Getting ready for a first date can  be nerve wracking especially when you are not sure  what to expect . You may worry about saying something embarrassing or meeting someone who looks way different from their online dating profile pictures . Perhaps you are even afraid for your safety because you have not gotten to know the other person enough yet . A little bit of thepreparation can go  long way in helping you stay comfortable safe and open to the experience . Keep reading to gain 10 tips that  can set you up for success on a first date .

10 Tips For The Perfect First Date

Keeping the following 10 tips in mind can help you navigate a first date with ease and self assurance . 

  1. Wear Something You Feel Confident In

When preparing for a first date it’s important to pick an outfit that you feel comfortable and confident in . The last thing you want is to be tugging at a polo that’s too tight or feeling self conscious about the length of your skirt . Your focus should be on the person in front of you not on  what you are wearing . Still make sure to choose an outfit that makes you feel beautiful or handsome as this can enhance your self esteem and confidence on the  date. If you want to take it up a notch, Dentist Williamsburg recommends getting a teeth whitening treatment a day before your date. Remember, a beautiful smile goes a long way.

  1. Meet In A Public Location

Meeting somewhere public can help ensure that you stay safe while getting to know someone for the first time . Having other people around can be critical as it gives you a safety net in case you need to ask for help. You may even let a friend know where you will be and have them check on you to make sure you are doing okay . Once trust is built in the relationship you can then explore other places to have subsequent dates . 

  1. Show Up On Time

Showing up to the date on time shows that you respect the other person and their time . If you’re going to be late send them a quick text to let them know . Otherwise, they may start to worry that they’ve been stood up. Being on time can also help create a positive first impression  setting the rest of the night up for success .

  1. Put Your Phone Away

Having your phone out can cause you to be distracted during a time when your full attention is needed . Getting texts or phone calls can interrupt your conversation with your date and may even make them feel as if you’re not invested or fully present . So turn off your phone or put it somewhere out of sight to help ensure that you are living in the moment and being respectful of the person across from you . 

  1. Be Yourself

Dating isn’t about trying to impress someone . Rather it’s about being your full self and seeing who likes you for you . Be open and honest about your likes dislikes goals, and pet peeves. Trying to be someone you’re not may only set the other person up for disappointment later causing hurt feelings for both parties . 

  1. Show Genuine Interest

If you are interested in your date make sure to show it . You can do this by making eye contact nodding maintaining curiosity and using body language and facial expressions that show you are paying attention . If your date shares something interesting or important to them ask follow up questions to show you care about learning more . Try to avoid checking the time looking around the room or giving one-word responses to questions . 

  1. Practice Active Listening

Active listening can be a valuable life skill and even serve you well on a first date . It involves listening not just to respond but to understand what the other person is saying . When you are with your date focus on staying present picking up on their nonverbal cues and offering feedback as the conversation goes on . Using this skill can help your date feel heard and allow the two of you to develop a closer bond through mutual understanding .

  1. Ask Questions

One of the best things you can do on a first date is ask questions . Asking questions shows that you’re interested in your date’s life and what they have to say . You can ask them questions to get to know where they are from what their passions  are or how many siblings they have . While there are many potential questions to ask on the first date, you may have already gotten the surface level questions out of the way over texts or phone calls before the date . If that’s the case take this opportunity to dig a bit deeper . 

  1. Have Fun!

Dating is not a business transaction, rather it’s a chance to find your person so have fun with it! Do not forget to smile laugh and make jokes with one another . While serious conversations are the foundation of any relationship a first date can be a great time to show one another your silly sides which often brings out the best in both people . 

  1. Get In Touch Afterward

After going on a first date it’s important to follow up. You might send them a quick text saying you had a great time and would love to do it again sometime or one saying you enjoyed your time but that you did not feel a strong connection and do not see a possibility of a second date . Your date is likely to respect you more for being honest with them even if you do not see a future with them . 


Dating can be a rewarding experience allowing you to meet new people and even find someone you’d like to be with long term . While first dates may be intimidating they are a necessary part of putting yourself out there . Creating the perfect first date may take some planning ahead, but it’s often worth it when you are able to have an enjoyable time with your potential significant other . So remember to be yourself, ask questions, and show an authentic interest in your date they may just end up being your person after all .